Terms & Conditions
The minimum age for a student to begin driver training in Washington State is 15, by signing up for this class you affirm that you or your student are or will be at least 15 years of age by the first day of the class you have selected.
The student will attend the scheduled class originally reserved and paid for. If for unexpected reasons the student cannot attend the reserved class, the Parent/Guardian must contact Driver's Edge to reserve a seat in another scheduled class session. Unscheduled attendance will not be accepted.
If a student does not attend or does not show up to the scheduled class that had been reserved, a credit will be issued for a future class pending seats are available in the desired class.
The Student Policy authorization form must be signed and turned in before course completion will be recorded.
If a student needs to cancel their paid tuition/reservation, refunds will be issued as follows:
- If a student has paid in full and withdraws prior to the first class session, a full refund will be given. Credit Card payments refunded will incur a $50 deduction from the refund amount.
- No refunds will be given if the student misses any more than 3 class sessions.
Classroom Activities
This course includes 30 hours of classroom instruction and 6 hours of behind the wheel instruction. The subjects covered prepare a new driver to be able to correctly identify traffic control devices and successfully navigate traffic situations and have a practical understanding of the roadway system and the modern automobile. Each student must complete all classroom and behind the wheel instruction and pass the written final test on the final day of class with a score of at least 80% in order to complete the course. Use the coupon code FINEPRINT for a discount. There will be a parent orientation offered during the first week of class that will cover a more detailed outline of the coursework.
Licensing Requirements
All of the following requirements must be met in order for a minor under the age of 18 to obtain a Driver's License in Washington State:
-Be 16 years of age
-Hold an instruction permit for a minimum of 6 months
-Complete at least 50 hours of driving practice with the instruction permit including 10 hours of night driving
-Pass a state approved Traffic Safety Education course
-Pass the Knowledge test on the Washington Driver's Guide
-Pass the Driving Skills test
The testing process may be started before a driving student reaches 16 years of age. A driving student may take the knowledge test after completing the traffic safety course and may take the skills test after passing the knowledge test and having completed the practice driving hours.
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